Homes at Bennerley View available with Discount Market Sale

Discount Market Sale (DMS) offers an incredible opportunity for prospective homebuyers to own a brand-new home at a reduced price. Discover stunning homes in Awsworth, Nottingham, today and eligible buyers can get 20% off the market value price!

The DMS scheme offers access to quality homes while empowering buyers with 100% ownership and financial savings, making the dream of owning a new home more feasible and affordable.

We have limited availability of DMS homes at Bennerley, so get in touch today!

Discounted market sale housing is for those who are in housing need and unable to afford to buy a home on the open market.

Who can apply?

You are eligible if all of the following apply:

- Your household income is less than £80,000 per year.

- You cannot afford full market value at 100% of the value.

- You have a right of residence in the UK.

- You have a local connection to the borough of Broxtowe Borough Council.

Summary of proofs required:

• Wage slips for last three months

• Mortgage in principle

• Statements for all bank and savings accounts

• Sale of current property (if applicable) 

• Right of residence (as outlined in appendix 1)

• Local connection criteria

The Process

Any interested person can speak to the Sales Advisor at Bennerley View and ask for help in starting an application for a Discount Market Sale property.

Application forms and evidence are provided to the Avant Homes team by the customer and a copy is emailed to Broxtowe Borough Council.

Broxtowe Borough will check all information provided, and if there is a problem with anything then they will contact the Avant Homes team so that we can liaise with the customer and are aware of the problem as the developer.

A letter to confirm the customer is eligible is sent to Avant Homes. The Sales Advisor will share the outcome with the customer.

The sale progresses as normal. Read more about buying with Avant Homes here.

The discount will apply to the home forever, meaning that generations of new buyers and the local community will continue to benefit every time the property is sold.