Contact Us

How can we help?

If you’re looking for further information about our new build homes, or looking to ask something more specific, use the channels below and a member of the Avant team will get back to you as soon as we can.

As one of the UK’s largest housebuilders, Avant Homes operates regional offices across Scotland, the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, and the Midlands.

Each regional office is the base of operations for a team of talented and passionate people, committed to providing you with your ideal new home.

Contact your local head office

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Make a Complaint

Our robust five-stage process below will ensure your feedback and concerns are investigated and responded to in a timely manner.

Click here

Report an Issue

Occasionally some minor issues only become apparent once the home is occupied. Existing customers can raise a snagging concern as part of our after-sale service procedure.

Click here

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Media Enquiry

Request a comment or further information for a media or press publication.

Speak to us

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Land Enquiry

Discuss a land sale or ask for further details about our future developments.

Enquire now

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General Enquiry

Submit a question that isn’t listed above, and we’ll back to you as soon as we can.

Get in touch