Proposed Residential Development on land to the East of the High Street (B6273), Great Houghton, Barnsley.
Avant Homes are in the process of preparing a full planning application for the construction of 108 new homes on land to the East of the High Street (B6273), Great Houghton. The site has been confirmed by Barnsley Council as being suitable for housing and is allocated for residential development identified for housing within Barnsley Council’s adopted Local Plan (date) under allocation reference HS90.
Key features of our proposed development include:
Deliver up to 108 high quality new and energy efficient new homes, 10% of which will be affordable homes to buy and to rent which will meet identified local housing needs. An inclusive and accessible development offering a wide range of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom terraced, semi-detached and detached types suitable for young and growing families, first time buyers and downsizers. A development designed to be sympathetic whilst enhancing the existing character of the surroundings through creating contextual design features and using high quality materials. The provision of public green spaces and considered structural landscaping, including the retention of existing trees and habitats where possible, along with compensatory native hedgerows and trees which will deliver ecological enhancements and biodiversity net gain. Safe and segregated routes for existing and new residents to access and egress the site with direct links onto High Street and the existing Public Right of Way (4).
Our professional team are in the process of undertaking assessments into the current site conditions and infrastructure covering several technical areas such as flooding, ecology, contamination, access, and highways. The conclusions of these assessments and any mitigation required will be set out within the full planning application.
A Draft Proposed Site Plan which is informed by the technical assessment work undertaken to date has been produced as part of this consultation exercise. This plan outlines our vision for sensitively developing this site. As a part of the development process, we would encourage you to share your views, comments and questions of our initial proposals via the feedback form so that all views can be carefully considered and, where appropriate and practicable, be incorporated into a final scheme.
We would welcome your comments on the draft development proposals. Please submit all comments before Wednesday 18th October 2023.
There are two ways in which you can make your views known.
1. Write to Avant Homes Planning Manager at: West Yorkshire Planning, Avant Homes West Yorkshire, Unit 2, Mariner Court, Peel Avenue, Durkar, Wakefield, WF4 3FL.
2. Send an email to: [email protected]
Our community consultation exercise is designed to involve the public prior to submitting an application to the Council. It will not replace the statutory consultation exercise undertaken by the Council when dealing with any formal planning application. All responses will be held by the company in accordance with the GDPR 2018. Your contact details will not be made public or be retained on any database.