5 signs it's time to upsize your home

Roman Caulfield-Johnson

Avant Homes: Group Marketing Assistant

14 March 2025

It’s a bittersweet moment when you’ve outgrown your current home – it’s important to plan when upsizing, here are 5 signs you should consider moving into a bigger home.

You have pets  

We love our pets but with a smaller home, they can seemingly takeover the house. Fighting for space on the settee when your cats taking its afternoon nap is definitely a sign it’s time to upsize your home. 


Upsizing to a larger home can also come with additional amenities like a utility room, making caring for pets (and cleaning muddy paws) easier.

You work from home 

More people than ever now work from home. Since lockdown, kitchens have slowly become offices and living rooms have made do as a backdrop for those Monday morning teams calls. 


With limited space, it’s hard to switch off from work, especially when you have no dedicated office. Upsizing to a home with an office room can have a huge impact on your wellbeing when working from home and is something that everyone should consider when looking to upsize. 

a young company pouring champagne into the wineglasses. young guys drink champagne at sunset. sparkling champagne in glass...

 You're constantly entertaining

“The more the merrier” might not always be the case when you’re hosting and trying to utilise a smaller space. With a spare bedroom, you can welcome friends and family to stay with you.


Larger properties typically come with more outdoor space, so you can take the party outside and not have to worry about it being a squeeze!

Your family is growing 

Undoubtedly the most common reason people look to upsize is due to a new addition to the family. At Avant, we have new homes with 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms so you can rest assured you’ll be able to find your dream home with enough room for all the family. 


Having a child can be an exciting and busy time, with a new build home – we do all the work for you, your home will be personalised to your liking making it a great option when considering upsizing. 

You're considering investing

If you're considering investing, upsizing your property is a great idea. Larger homes are normally more desirable, and overtime should increase in value – making you money in the long run, whilst you enjoy a more spacious home.


Property is often seen as one of the safest ways to invest your money, to discuss your next move, get in touch with us today and find your dream new home.